
Reconceptualization is a huge word and its definition is the act or process of reconceptualizing or developing a new concept for something.

Some people struggle with getting stuck in a negative thought or toxic emotions cycle. We are not taught as kids how to cope with these emotions in school. Some people are lucky enough to have parents who teach them how to deal with their emotions and others are not.

Reconceptualization is a process where you dive deep into your emotions and get to the root cause of why you behave in certain ways. The memories that trigger emotions cause physical distress emotional distress and lead us to a point where we actually can choose our behavior.

Don’t bury Trauma

It is natural for us to try to avoid suffering and trauma. The problem with avoiding Emotional trauma is if we try to bury that emotion or toxic thought we give it more power in our subconscious mind.

Re-Define Your Life

To embrace thoughts and to reconceptualize them lessons there hold on us. New thought patterns give us the power to re-define our lives. First, you need to look at the toxic thoughts objectively from where and when they happened.   We then can see how we were when they happened. You can create a new and better way of handling toxic emotions. We can break down the trauma and add new meaning to it. You can change trauma!  The emotion no longer has a grip on us. This enables us to move forward. Forgiveness is key to removing toxic emotions from our lives and removing the power that they hold on us. We are free from the past at this point!


Forgiveness is key to releasing toxic thoughts and re-designing our character. It gives peace and meaning to our lives. Forgiveness enables us to operate in a positive mindset. This opens the doors for success. Creativity flows when we are at peace. Also, you can move forward when you remove those past roadblocks and enjoy life.


Forgiveness The Key to Unblocking Success